Gain qualifications whilst volunteering at Claire House

You can now gain a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) whilst volunteering with Claire House. In addition to the many benefits of volunteering including the chance to meet new friends and support your local hospice, volunteering can also provide a path into paid employment.

By joining Claire House as a volunteer you will have access to a variety of NVQ’s including Retail, Customer Service and Team Leading. Courses take on average six months to complete and are completely free for our volunteers.

You could volunteer in one of our shops in Merseyside, Cheshire or North Wales, in our hospice on the Wirral, or at our Hub in Liverpool.

Margie Hynes, who volunteers at the Claire House shop in Crosby, says; “I’ve now volunteered at Claire House for over 14 months. I was thinking about it for a while, then I went to the job centre and they suggested I do some work experience. I have been at home looking after the kids for the last few years so I wanted some work to bring my CV up-to-date.

“I’ve never done any qualifications so when there was the chance to do an NVQ I said I’d do it. Doing the retail one was easy, I just did everything I do as a volunteer – putting clothes out, steaming clothes and working behind the till. There was a bit of written work but I had a tutor who came every two weeks and explained how things worked. She came to me on the days I was volunteering which made it easy.

“In the end I did two NVQs, one in retail and one in customer service. It took me about four and a half months to do both. I found the customer service one more difficult but it has helped me learn how to understand customers better and be more aware of health and safety issues.

“I want to stay here and volunteer but I’m also going to look for a part-time job, either in retail or as a carer. I know the NVQs will help me with both.

“I like working at Claire House, it gets me out of the house and has made me much more confident – now I’m always out and about. The shop manager makes everyone feel calm. We always have a good laugh. I like the customers and the atmosphere is really nice. If I’m not smiling the customers ask me why not?”

To find out more about volunteering in one of our retail stores or in the hospice, pop into your local Claire House shop, go to the volunteering section of our website, contact us on the details below, or download our free Claire House Volunteer App, available from your App Store now.

For more information, please contact Amy Brown, tel: 0151 343 0883, email: