Steve's Marathon Story - Claire House

Steve is running in the London Marathon on Sunday 23rd April, read his reason’s why.

“I’m running the London Marathon for Claire House because the pain I go through before, during and after is nothing compared to the sacrifices these families have to make. I am so proud to be running for Claire House and supporting local families.

“I’ve surprised myself during training and learnt that I can actually run more than 5 miles now! The training has been tough, but it’s totally worth it… and amazing to see how far you can push yourself. When I’m training and it’s really hurting I play a piece of music and think about the Butterfly Suite, this is so inspiring and helps to keep me going.

“I’m so excited for the whole event, especially seeing the crowds and running through some truly iconic landmarks. And of course I can’t wait to see the finish line!”

If you would like to be on the London Marathon start line in a Claire House Running Vest this time next year, enter our ballot for one of our charity places and run for your local children’s hospice.

Email by Monday 8th May with your name, contact number and a few sentences about why you want to run for Claire House, to be entered. We ask all of our charity place runners to raise a minimum of £3000 in sponsorship.