We offer a complete approach to care, with a range of complementary therapies available for our children, young people and their families.  Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, and Crystal Healing are available. A highly qualified team of volunteer therapists are led by a complementary therapy co-ordinator, and supported by a small number of care team staff qualified in complementary therapies.

Complementary therapies can be used alongside conventional medical treatment to help people feel better physically, emotionally and psychologically.  They can be used as a means of relaxation, or to help maintain good health and a sense of general well-being.

Complementary therapies can help to support those affected by specific health challenges such as pain, muscle fatigue, circulation, constipation, poor sleeping patterns and nausea; they would never be used in place of conventional medical care.

Functional Reflex Therapy may also be taught to parents and carers by our qualified therapists – this can be in the form of a short, easily learned relaxing routines, using oils or creams massaged into the hands or feet.